My last two weeks have been nothing but stress, straight, hold the ice.  No watering this sucker down.  I received a phone call from my boss letting me know that not only would I not receive a raise for my 6th year of teaching, but I would be taking a $2000+ pay cut.  This may not seem like much to some, but working at a private school, this seemingly small amount is no joke.  After some quick math (impressive for an English teacher-no?) I realized that I would not be able to afford rent next year…like, at all.  Yep, if I stay at my current job I’ll be doing the same amount of work (more actually since they let our resource teacher go) for less pay while living with my parents!!!  Um, no thanks.  Although I have decided what my next step is, I know what I don’t want.

On top of this, I began a new class the day following the news.  For my ESL methodologies course, I not only have a 14 week course smashed into 6 weeks, but I also have to fit in 25 hours of volunteering in an elementary (weird state rule) classroom with ESL (English and a Second Language) or ELL (English Language Learners) students.  I’m working in a Grand Rapids Public School at their summer school program.  Ironically, this thing I was dreading is much more useful than my actual class.  My professor is nice enough, but he is really disorganized.  This class, on top of my online course, is taking over my life.

In the last two weeks I’ve been feeling very burnt-out.  I’m always tired, always stressed, and there is always something else I have to do.  On top of school work, I’m job hunting, and trying to still have time to have a real life.  I need a vacation from my summer, FAST.

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