12 Lessons

I have been a member of weight watchers for 12 weeks now, during which time I have lost a little over 24lbs (making my total weight loss almost 35lbs).  I have learned a lot these last 12 weeks, and I’ve decided to share my wisdom…

  1. 100 calorie packs of anything are really not all that great for you (especially if you end up eating multiples, because after all, they are only 100 calories).
  2. The hardest part of working out is actually making it to the gym- once I’m there, I’m good.
  3. I can cook simple meals, I just really don’t like to.
  4. No one ever tells you how expensive it is to lose weight:  between the gym membership ($35/month), weight watchers membership ($18/month), healthy foods, and new clothes, I have spent a TON of money in the last 3 months.
  5. You can only eat salads so many days a week before you want to scream.
  6. My kitchen is nowhere near big enough.  I never have enough room to cook.
  7. Weight Watchers products actually taste really good, even though you wouldn’t think that they do.
  8. It is nice to hear how good you look when losing weight, but it also makes you wonder just exactly how bad you looked before, especially when compliments are worded something like “oh you look so much better”…Beware of the backwards compliments.
  9. When you work out regularly, you actually do start to notice a difference.  I’ve actually been pretty impressed with how much longer I can work out from the beginning of the year until now.
  10. Don’t fall into routines.  Food routines get boring quickly, and work out routines may let you not work as hard as you should.  It’s always good to try new things and push yourself.
  11. People at the gym really don’t give a crap about how you look, or how hard you are working.  The only time they are paying attention to you is if you are on a machine they want to use or in their way.  There is no real reason to be self-conscious.  Everyone is at the gym for the same reason, and everyone is disgusting when they leave (if they are truly pushing themselves).
  • Side note:  The next gym I join will have locker rooms.  Anytime Fitness has two unisex restrooms complete with showers.  Let’s just say, if I ever get married or live with a man, we will have separate bathrooms.  EWWW!

12.   Weight loss is a long and frustrating process.  What works one week may not work the next.

I’m really happy with how far I have come thus far.  I’ve never lost this much weight all at one time before, but I also have a lot more to go.  I’m looking forward to this summer and continuing to reach my goals.

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