A Year Later

A year ago, I challenged myself.  I was unhappy with my life and wanted to make a change, so my resolution was to live my life for myself.  As an oldest child, there are many moments in my life where I can recognize that I made decisions based on what was best for other people instead of myself.  I have done things over and over to please others while not being happy with what I was doing myself.  2011 was the year I decided to do things for myself.  The first major change I made was I joined a gym.

After seeing pictures of myself with Kara and Erica, I was really disgusted.  I was really unhappy with my weight and general health, and after joining a gym for about 8 weeks, I also joined weight watchers.  It was one of the best decisions that I have ever made.  A year later, I’ve lost 65 lbs.  I still have more work to do, of course, but I’m pretty proud of the changes that I’ve made.

Another change I made was work.  I felt stuck at LMC.  I had been working there for 5 years and I worked hard.  I developed curriculum, ran clubs, organized classes, and supported anything and everything I could.  I was burnt out and felt under-appreciated.  I also really wanted out of Michigan.  When I was offered a job in Arizona, I accepted it sight-unseen.  I don’t know that this is something I would do again, and I probably wouldn’t recommend it, but it began a new adventure for me.  I loved driving cross country with Sara.  I love being able to drive 2 miles down the road to see Joli and her family, but I really hate being so far away from all my family.  It was really difficult to return to Arizona after going home for break.

So what does 2012 bring for me?  Who knows.  I’m going to continue working to do what makes me happy.  I’m going to continue the weight loss, I’m going to continue grad school, I’m going to explore my new state, and I’m going do things that make me happy.

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